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Changing Lives

Getting vulnerable people into employment

Changing lives has over 45 years of experience supporting people facing long-term social exclusion, due to personal challenges such as homelessness, substance misuse issues, and experience of domestic violence.

Changing Lives imageBut the charity found that after it had worked intensively with people to help them overcome these challenges, they were facing a final barrier that was halting their recovery. This was the barrier of gaining employment.

To combat this, Changing Lives started a project to get vulnerable people, including people addicted to drug and alcohol in the North East of England, to take control of their futures by providing people-centred support and coaching in employment.

In 2017 alone, more than 700 people were supported to take their first steps towards their employment goals.

Since its teams of employment coaches launched in 2010, Changing Lives has helped 505 people into permanent employment, and 75 per cent of people who compete a work placement through the charity succeed in finding some kind of employment within 12 weeks.

Partnerships with local and national employers, to hold practice interviews, offer advice on CVs, and provide work placements. Partners include Marks & Spencer, Virgin Money, and Greggs.

Last year, Changing Lives also launched a specialist team to support clients who are at risk of homelessness to manage their money better and boost their financial capacity.

As a result of the project, 505 people have gained permanent employment and had their lives changed by the employment team since 2010, with Changing Lives helping around 600 people a year to take the first steps towards their employment goals.

CC reg no: 500640

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