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Gareth Pierce: “It was a huge honour to receive the Charity Award for our pioneering SUDIC service”

Forget Me Not Children's Hospice won the children and youth category at the 2022 Charity Awards. Read what the award has meant to them from their director of income generation, Gareth Pierce.

It was a huge honour to receive the Charity Award for our pioneering SUDIC service supporting families devastated by the sudden and unexpected death of their child.

Importantly, that recognition has led to other hospices approaching us, looking to replicate our model in other areas of the country – meaning more families will get the support they need.

Here at Forget Me Not, we celebrated this award not just in recognising the work of our SUDIC worker, but also the wider team. It’s helped the SUDIC work to be seen as part of our wider family support offer rather than as a stand-alone service.

We’ve also been able to reference the award when advertising to and recruiting prospective employees.

Learn more about their winning project