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Kris Murali

Kris Murali

Kris is the Chief Financial Officer and Board member at the Royal NAAFI. The Royal NAAFI provides vital services to Ministry of Defence locations to support UK Forces communities around the World. Kris looks after the finances and as a Board member is actively involved in shaping and delivering the strategy of the Royal NAAFI making sure the organisation is run efficiently.

Kris has considerable senior management experience, with the most recent as Director of Finance & Resources at the Scout Association and before that as deputy CEO of the disability charity, Sense. At Sense, Kris managed the corporate support services including governance and also the trading portfolio of 115 Charity shops and oversaw Sense International operating in eight countries and serving on their Board.

Kris has considerable financial, commercial and general management experience in both the private and not-for-profit sectors having worked in the private sector as well as membership and social care organisations. Kris has been involved in managing and creating sustainable and profitable businesses and driving efficiencies.

Kris has held Board positions in the UK and the US and is currently a non-executive director at Youth Futures Foundation. Kris also serves as a Board member and Chair of the Finance Committee at the Integrated Care Board of Suffolk and North East Essex. He also serves as a trustee and Chair of the Audit Committee of Diabetes UK.

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