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The Hub

Welcome to The Hub where you can search by hallmarks for case studies and articles that will help you in your application. As well as news, interviews and case studies from our past winners.

Winners of Charity Awards 2019 are unveiled

The winners of the 20th annual Charity Awards, organised by Civil Society Media, were announced last night at a black-tie event at the Pavilion at the Tower of London.

Charity Awards 2019 shortlist is unveiled

A fast-growing network of Community Fridges, an education project that teaches young women about extremism and online grooming, and a campaign to ensure the environment doesn’t suffer as a result of Brexit, are among 28 inspiring projects shortlisted for the Charity Awards 2019.

What makes a winning programme?

Redthread Youth, a small but growing charity which works with young people at risk of violence, won the 2018 Charity Award in the Children and Youth category.

Charity Awards 2018 winners announced

The winners of the 19th annual Charity Awards, organised by Civil Society Media, were announced last night at a black-tie event at the Tower of London.

Kevin Curley honoured at Charity Awards 2018

Kevin Curley, former chief executive of Navca and chair of Community Action Derby, has won the Daniel Phelan award for outstanding achievement at the Charity Awards.